Famous People with ADHD: ADD Celebrities and Well Known People

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Last Update Date: 15 April 2021

Living with someone who has ADHD can be sometimes more challenging than living with ADHD for most people. ADHD affects families as well as their children diagnosed with ADHD. Even though the treatment methods for adults with ADHD and children with ADHD seem to be similar, the approaches are quite different.

ADHD in adults can be more controllable because they are able to make their own decisions much more easily, but parents of children with ADHD have great responsibilities. Kids with ADHD should be guided correctly by their parents to ensure future success. And for parents, the best way to succeed in this is to know how to deal with ADHD.

So, let’s start with the tips for parents on how to manage their children with ADHD and prepare them for a brighter future. Then we will list some of the effects of ADHD on learning, emotions, and body.

For some inspiration, we also suggest you have a look at our blog post to discover famous and successful people with ADHD.

Living With ADHD - A Practical Guide to Coping With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Childhood and adolescence are periods in which social relationships are newly formed, learning is at its peak, and personality and character development are the most intense.

ADHD can have negative effects both on children themselves and their relations with the outside world.

So how should parents help children with ADHD to be least affected by this disorder? Let's take a look together

1. Learn All ADHD Symptoms and Treatment Options

There are a wide variety of treatment options that can help children with ADHD. Before choosing one or more of these options, you should definitely consult your doctor to determine which type of ADHD your child has.

You can browse our blog post to learn more about ADHD types and treatment methods. General treatment methods used in people with ADHD are as follows:

  • Medication
  • Psychotherapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Social-skills training
  • Educational Therapy
  • Support groups
  • Family Therapy

2. Improve Your Parental Skills

There are some tools and techniques for understanding and managing your child's behavior. You can also attend parenting-skills training to improve your skills.

Here are some techniques and skills to work on:

Stress Management

You can try to use meditation, breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques to help your kids manage stress.


Create opportunities to spend a pleasant time together. These activities turn into great opportunities for you to closely monitor children with ADHD and highlight their good skills and abilities.


Reward everything they do correctly and properly. This is very useful for encouraging them and nurturing their self-confidence.


Use timeout when your child is very rebellious or out of control. It is very useful for kids with ADHD to withdraw from an overly stimulating condition so that they can observe and learn how to react more appropriately when a similar situation arises.

3- Support ADHD Treatment Options with Behavioral Interventions

Always remember that the learning process of a child first begins at home and continues at school desks. For this reason, it is important to teach children with ADHD to behave following certain patterns in environments such as home and school.

Use Organizers

Emphasize the importance of writing assignments and bringing home everything needed to complete the assignment. At this point, homework organizers will be very useful.

Build Schedules

Create daily routines. Place the schedule in a visible point and if you need to make a change, make it as far in advance as possible.

Stay Positive

The positive attitude of the parents is very important for kids with ADHD. Because ultimately, all they need and want is to be loved.

Use Boundaries

Make it clear to kids with ADHD what is expected of them. Be clear with simple solutions, such as revoking a privilege if they exceed limits, and follow them consistently.

4- Support ADHD Treatment with Technology

Technology continues to improve day by day and solve many of our problems. There are so many digital tools and apps that can help kids with ADHD today. But the big news is that now you can also treat ADHD with digital therapies and games.

Digital therapies are spotlighted by ADDitude Magazine to treat children diagnosed with ADHD.

  • The Fisher Wallace Stimulator: It’s a wearable neurostimulation device that sends electricity to the brain to help with mood disorders and anxiety. The device is not cleared to treat ADHD, but mood disorders and anxiety often accompany the disorder and may aggravate its symptoms.
  • Monarch eTNS System: This is an electronic device that stimulates a special nerve of the brain electrically. This nerve is thought to provide a path to deeper areas of the brain that cannot be easily reached by neurostimulation. Thus, it can affect many areas of the brain, including mood disorders, epilepsy, and attention.
  • Simulators And Games: Digital simulators and games are a fun way to reduce ADHD symptoms. There are scientific brain exercises designed by academicians and doctors to help kids with ADHD. MentalUP is a great example that is preferred by many schools around the world. The app first determines the weak skills of the brain and gives daily personalized exercises to help kids improve their mental health.

The Effects of ADHD

Only parents who have children with ADHD will understand what it's like living with ADHD. But knowing that you are not alone and being aware of the challenges will surely help. Here is a guide that parents can benefit from in order to be aware of the three major ADHD effects and challenges:

1- ADHD Affects School Performance

School problems are one of the main characteristics of a child diagnosed with ADHD because they usually trigger the teacher and the parent to evaluate the student accordingly. Here are some possible results:

  • Weak scores
  • Poor reading skills
  • Poor command of mathematics

This situation can bring out two major problems;

  • Falling behind their peers
  • Low high-school graduation rates

Thus, in children with ADHD, side effects such as lack of self-confidence and depression can be observed.

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2- ADHD Affects Emotional Stability

According to research, there is an important relationship between ADHD and mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and behavioral disorders.

Adolescent females with ADHD have been found to have a 2.5 times greater risk of major depression than female adolescents without ADHD

Due to the impulsive nature of people with ADHD, emotional regulation is a great challenge especially for children with ADHD. The increased pressure after diagnosis, academic goals, and low social interaction skills, combined with these low emotional regulation skills, contribute to countless social and emotional struggles every day.

3- Physical Effects of ADHD

Apart from emotional effects of ADHD and the effects on school performance, the other negative effects of ADHD are the physical effects of ADHD.

Among the untreated ADHD effects, physical effects of ADHD usually appear first. It is inevitable that a disorder that affects us mentally and emotionally so deeply also has physical effects.

The physical effects of ADHD cause behaviors that can lead to rather severe consequences as it can be seen in the examples below:

  • Compulsive eating
  • Substance abuse
  • Muscle tension and pain as a result of stress
  • Heart issues
  • Digestion issues

To Sum Up

Children and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) need to be supported by their social circles and families as well as by applying the right treatment methods.

Parenting a child with ADHD is not easy at all. But staying positive and looking at this condition positively is the first of all treatment methods. Engage your creativity to turn your activities into fun little exercises and experiences that will be of great help to your child. Also, don’t forget to check out questions about ADHD to learn more about it and raise your awareness.

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