Family Board Games

We have selected some of the best family games that support development of children. With these entertaining games, you and your kids will have fun.

We have given priority to the family games that support intelligence development of children. We have explained what skills these games improve and how to play them. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Here is the list of games we picked for you:

  1. MentalUP Brain Games (New🌟)
  2. I Spy Game
  3. Change The Vowel Game
  4. Scrabble

1.MentalUP Brain Games

What is MentalUP Brain Games and How to Play?

Children can play MentalUP brain training games by themselves, but MentalUp brain training games can also be played as a family instead of watching YouTube videos for hours with your child, dressing up babies, or playing car racing games. We have chosen some of the MentalUP brain games for you to try them right now :

attention development family game

Have I Seen It or Not?

Develop your Visual Memory, Sustained Attention and Visual Recognition skills.

logic development family game

Moving Balls

Improvement of Planning Skills and Visualization

memory development family game

Let's Draw

Improves visual attention, visualization and Spatial Memory

MentalUP brain exercises is a unique game application developed by game designers and scientists. It supports improvement of intelligence with smart games which is one of the best methods of learning for children.

Play Brain Training Games

Benefits of MentalUP Brain Games:

MentalUP supports the development of verbal, visual, mathematical intelligence, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. With MentalUP brain games, children have healthy screen time. It is suitable for children between 4 - 13 years old. If you think your kids spend much time online, you can use a digital addiction test to evaluate the situation and take action.

2. I Spy Game

What is I Spy Game and How to Play?

This is a very simple family guessing game and so much fun. You can play with 2 or more players. You don’t need any tools to play the game. This is how you play the game; One of the players selects an object that is visible to all other players and does not reveal their choice. The other players try to find out what the object is based on clues. This is one of the most well-known family games.

Benefits of I spy Game

I spy game supports development of verbal and reasoning skills

You can also play the following interactive games to support your child's verbal and reasoning skills. Let's see if you like these games.

attention development family game

Point Of View

Development of Visualization, Spatial Perception and Reasoning

logic development family game

What Do You Want

Improves Visual Attention, Conceptualization and Visual Scanning

3. Change The Vowel Game

What Is Change The Vowel Game and How To Play It?

It’s a one of the funniest brain words games that can be played with multiple people. Rules are very simple. For example, one of the players chooses one vowel such as “u”. Then, the game starts with the player who is at the right-hand side, and player pronounces a word by turning all vowels of the original word into ‘u’. If we choose the word “computer”, then we need to pronounce that word as “cumputur”. So, each player pronounces different words like this. If any player pronounces incorrect, then the player picks another vowel and all of them start all over again by using a new vowel. It is a very good and fun family game that you can play all together.

Benefits of Change The Vowel Game:

It’s beneficial for rapid thinking and verbal intelligence development. It is suitable for 8+ year olds.

You may check out the games below to support development of verbal skills of your children.

attention development family game


Improvement of Reasoning, Processing Speed and Math Skills

logic development family game


Improves Decision Making Skills and Math Skills

4.Scrabble Game

What is Scrabble Game, How to Play?

Let's continue with scrabble, which is one of the world's most popular vocabulary games. The goal of a Scrabble game is to create meaningful words on the game board by placing the letters according to various rules. You can prefer Scrabble as your choice for learning games for 9-year-olds. There is an instruction booklet which explains every rule. Adults also love Scrabble. It is a very popular family-friendly game.

The Benefits of Scrabble Game on Children:

Scrabble is a good game to improve vocabulary of children as well as adults. It is suitable for 8, 9, 10, 11-year-olds, and similar vocabulary games can be found in the best apps for 11 year olds we’ve suggested.

In our blog page, we will be sharing more intelligence improving activities for children, like games to play at home or advanced brain games like brain exercises for stroke recovery. Feel free to share this article and follow us on social media for more of these articles.