1- Sometimes instead of studying on paper I fold and shape it. Do you agree or not?

Let us remind you:

  1. MentalUP Learning Styles Test isn't just a quiz but a comprehensive assessment.
  2. In order to discover your learning style, you should answer the questions below honestly. Choose one of the answers describing you best, finish the learning style quiz and find out your capabilities.
  3. The purpose of this learning style assessment is to help you discover your potential by detecting your special learning style. It is not a definitive judgment.

Why Are the Learning Styles Important So Much?

All the people are different from each other, so their motives in education and teaching strategies based on their learning styles are unique. Don’t you want your children to learn easier, faster, and more efficiently according to their types of learning styles?

 learning style test

Actually, you can be sure that both your own or your kids’ course grades will increase. There is just a little trick for this. No need to worry because we will help you with this with our learning styles test.

When it comes to children, all the parents want to know what they can do to be better in everything. They wonder about their children's intelligence score, take the Stanford Binet IQ Test or Learning Style Test as it is now. Because just asking "what is your learning style" or "what is my learning style" is not enough, as you all can guess. Discovering the learning style will be easy as a cake, thanks to our learning style quiz for kids and adults.

Because the school years are the most important educational period of a person’s life, a poor or wrong approach to learning may affect the educational progress negatively. To avoid this you can administer a learning style test to you or your children and find out your or your kids’ learning style to support the education process.

With our simple learning style test, you will be able to provide the necessary learning materials and methods that will boost your learning capabilities. In a short time period, you will be surprised when you see how your or your kids’ grades increase.

What Are the Types of Learning?

There are mainly three learning styles: kinesthetic (tactile), auditory and visual. Some people like to use one of these styles, whereas others combine them.

Kinesthetic (Tactile) Learning Style

Kinesthetic learners do best with hands-on learning. They use movement and touch rather than other aspects of learning, and they tend to lose concentration if there is little or no external stimulation or movement.

After you test what type of learner you are, if you find out that you are a kinesthetic learner, keep in mind that giving breaks between learning periods and staying mobile will help you concentrate.

If the results of our learning styles test questionnaire show that your child is a kinesthetic learner, support their learning by stimulating their thinking with educational tools, like small puzzles and play dough.

Auditory Learning Style

Auditory learning style relies on speaking and listening as their primary way of learning. Many auditory learners may experience difficulties when instructions or information are given in written form but can clearly understand them when the information is auditory. Because this is one of the most common symptoms of dyslexia, you can try to use an online dyslexia test to have a better understanding.

After discovering your learning style is auditory learning, keep in mind that effective listening is your best weapon and look for ways to improve it.

If the results of our learning style inventory test indicate that your child is an auditory learner, you can support their learning by reading texts aloud, especially key headings and important topics.

🤔 While you trying to find the best learning styles for yourself or your kids, it can be useful to know what is your brain dominance. Are you Left-brained or right-brained? Here’s a quick and online test for you: Right Brain - Left Brain Test 🧠

Visual Learning Style

Visual learners process information that they can see better than information that they can hear. Therefore, visual learners prefer reading over listening and writing over speaking.

If you find out that you are a visual learner after you assess your learning style, keep in mind that you can benefit from graphs, charts, illustrations, or other visual aids greatly.

If the results of our simple learning style test show that your child is a visual learner, you can support their learning by marking important notes with colored pens or highlighters. Color and shapes learning games will also be beneficial.

Read our article to learn more about the three most common learning styles.

Regardless of the learning styles, improving the listening skills, enhancing visual intelligence, and engaging with brain-stimulating activities have a great impact on the mental development of both children and adults.

MentalUP is a scientific educational games app that offers 150+ games that are specifically designed to improve both kids’ and adults’ mental development in every aspect. Also, you can choose the area in which your child needs improvement and easily track his/her progress.

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