Realize Your Potential with MentalUP

Less stress.
Comfortable work environment for families & quality screen time for children.
More concentration.
Goodbye to distraction; welcome to productivity.
A meaningful gift.
Improvement in happiness & motivation for kids and parents.
Strong bonds.
Significant increases in employees’ sense of belonging.
Higher efficiency.
More motivated and focused teams in the work environment.
New rights.
A unique social right that businesses provide to employees.
Also, we can offer special solutions for your different requests and needs!

Safe Content, Approved by Reliable Institutions

MentalUP supports kids' mental development with educational learning games and physical development with workouts.

Awarded "Best Family Friendly Product" & "Seal of Excellence" with kids' love and parents' trust.
Over 10 million users in 102 countries. Hundreds of schools and institutions prefer MentalUP.
Evaluated by Education Alliance Finland. It has proven to be a pedagogical product.
Qualified to get EVIDENCE of IMPACT Award by University College London.
Unlimited Fun. Regularly Updated Content.
MentalUP includes 150+ learning games, five performance reports, and motivational gamification elements. Moreover, new features and games are added with every update.
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